Bubble Sort
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Sliding Window
Binary Search
Two Pointers
Linked List
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Note : Separate Input elements by Commas [0,1]
  • Binary Search

    Binary Search is an efficient algorithm for finding a target value within a sorted array. It works by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half and comparing the target value to the middle element of the array.

    Time Complexity:

    O(log n) (the search space is halved with each iteration)

    Extract Max: O(log n) (restructuring the heap after removing the root)

    Peek Max: O(1) (accessing the root)

    Space Complexity:

    O(1) (iterative version) or O(log n) (recursive version due to call stack)

    Binary Search is highly efficient and suitable for large datasets, but it requires the data to be sorted beforehand.